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“We’re not naming the registered sex offender because he is not being accused of any crime right now”…

Now why did they have to say that?! It sounds like they are already presuming that he is guilty of something!

The public CANNOT be trusted with sensitive information of people because of this. This is another reason why privacy should be sacrosant!

More proof that registry needs to end during to the vigilante justice system.

But the most troubling thing in the story is the closing comments… “we wont reveal his name because he isnt accused of a crime RIGHT NOW” and stating the CPS visited the home because a RSO is living with 6 kids. Both of those imply he is will commit a new crime, and he will harm the children (if not already has and he needs to be investigated for it now.)

Oh the HATE!! That People. Make. Just to hear the words he/she is a sex offender or child molester. Opens the door for someone to HATE you.Which in turn. Will push people to make unconstitutional laws. Just out of fear and spike. But no one look at the huge danger of drug dealers who hook your kids on drugs or the drunk driver who killed your kid! No!! That is nothing. To compare with sex. Sex kills more children than drunk drivers or drug dealers. By what the media say!! So the LE and AG fall for this BS and Law makers will pass laws to get votes. Even if it violates our constitution!! What need to be changed is( If it save one child ) How do you know if it saved one Kid/ Child. Tell me where this stopped a sex offender of any age!! Told you all before!!!Sex offenders our BORN Each day 24/7/365 days a year. Most of kids will not see the law and money time

More outcome from a registration regime that attacks. Our leadership decided to begin attacking citizens online and thus there is no need to wonder why the people follow. Damn poor leadership has its drawbacks.

Does anyone have a direct connection with this family? Perhaps a gofundme could be set up to show community support and to help this family cope with the moving expenses, etc.

If we don’t take care of our community, no one else will.

Wow! I concur. This is just terrible! He would have more rights if he had murdered someone! Very disturbing story. The police clearly didn’t seem to care. The children? Wife? As I’ve mentioned before, don’t be surprised if someone like this man finally breaks and hurts someone as a result.

This just reinforces my view that the only change in the registry that I will ever support again is ending the registry. Let’s be really honest here, the tiered registry has already failed most of us and it isn’t even implemented yet here in California. Under that new system, many of us with fictitious victims due to stings will have no recourse and no chance of a life off the registry. This organization fought for some of those convicted of possession of child pornography, which at least had a real victim, but those of us with fictitious victims were left out in the cold. Yes, there are some who will find relief under the tiered registry, which is great for them, but it should have happened without sacrificing many of us who genuinely deserved a chance for the same relief because there was no real victim to our alleged crime.

The sex offender registry needs to end, pure and simple.

I am so (deleted) MAD at this TV station. Pure and simple

“We’re not naming the registered sex offender because he is not being accused of any crime right now”…

The implication is that the station ADVOCATES the HARASSMENT of this registrant and attempted murder of the family member through the destruction of his brake fluid line. My prediction is none of the “open cases” will be solved. And finally,

“The registrant is moving. Once he finds a new address, he will have seven days to register at his new location.”

WHAT THE (deleted) HELL!!! WHAT does this MATTER with the fact that HIS FAMILY HAS BEEN (deleted) TERRORIZED and VANDALIZED and been the victim of a MURDER ATTEMPT??? And now they have to suffer the indignation of hearing how long they have to register? Could THIS be an ATTEMPT by the TV Station to “Find out where he next lives, then resume the attack? Go attem, boys!!!”

To the TV station: GO TO HELL!

Sorry, I’m mad.